If you want to be leaner, fitter and stronger - but lack the time to learn and map out how to achieve this on your own...
You're struggling to find your ideal balance between smashing your fitness goals and feeling guilty when you’re not perfect all the time...
And you want to have a structure and routine that guarantees you consistent progress and results you keep for life,
Let us show you how…
If you’re reading this, you’re likely thinking ‘how do I get into the best shape of my life - with less fat, more muscle definition, feel strong and capable of doing any activity I want with ease?’
It sounds like a monumental task.
The truth is, you can achieve all of these things.
You just haven’t found the right structure to follow, received the right support to back you up, and experienced how this can all fit into your busy, stressful lifestyle.
Imagine if you no longer felt the dread of having to take your top off at the beach on holiday, or never worried about how you looked every day.
Imagine having complete control over your diet, and building an unbreakable relationship with food.
And even lifting weights you’ve always dreamed of lifting, and using those weights to sculpt a body you never thought you’d have.
At this stage, you’ve probably set to out to achieve these goals already.
You’ve used methods which have burned you out, or re-bounded as soon as you try to resume some form of normality with your food and training.
Which leaves you feeling like a failure.
Maybe you’ve even had coaches, or personal training - and you’ve been disappointed by how the results have lacked longevity and consistency.
You’re probably wondering “How are you going to be any different to anything else i’ve done?”
The thing is - our coaching is built on one key concept.
It’s not a classic 8-week, push as hard as possible for a short-term result and a fancy picture at the end of it.
It’s an all-in-one transformation experience - which will lead you to becoming a different person for the rest of your life.
We specialise in adapting everything we do to you and your circumstances - be it shift work, your travel schedule, your training preferences and your level of experience.
It’s 1-1 online coaching in which you work directly with your coach. We personalise each step to you and your needs, at a price that makes your average PT sessions seem like a complete rip-off.
We’ve been called ‘life-changing’ on a number of occasions.
Scroll a bit further to see what else has been said about us.

What does our online coaching experience include?
There are 5 main components:

Your personalised training programme is a GAME-CHANGER. No more feeling like the gym is a chore, or a grind, and faffing about aimlessly.
You’ll look forward to your workouts instead of dreading them, and experience incredible gains in the most time-efficient manner.

You’ll take complete control of your nutrition, learn how to manage all your weekends, social events and holidays, alongside stripping off unwanted fat and fuelling your body to success.

You’ll form habits that are easy to manage and maintain for life, which will save you time, money and stress and replace it with freedom and happiness.

Support & Accountability
You’ll have UNLIMITED access to support, with frequent check-ins, progress reviews, and have personal contact with your coach and our community

You’ll be part of a team of like-minded people that all share similar interests. You’ll pick up training tips, meal prep ideas, new recipes, share success and engage in competitions/challenges.
On top of that, you’ll also have access to some incredible features which make your journey even easier to follow:

The SKD Coaching App
Making everything extremely accessible and easy to use. It’s like having your own coach in your pocket.

Full access to our educational resources, Impact Learnings and guidebooks - continually solving any problems you encounter and educating yourself for life.

An exercise library packed full of exercise demonstrations, alongside personalised technique videos we provide to ensure you know exactly what to do in training.
If you are the type of person who thrives off having a structure, and something that is incredibly easy to follow - you are going to be blown away by what we do.
Waste no more time feeling confused about what to do next, getting frustrated about all the mixed information you hear online.
We want you to spend all of your time doing 2 things:
Doing the things that get you incredible results
Living a happy, fulfilling life as a consequence of doing those things
Less thinking, less stress. Leave all that to us - that’s our area of expertise.
But let’s be real here - many of us get a bit carried away with our own thoughts on occasion. We can be a bit all-or-nothing, as a result of wanting to do our best all the time.
So if you do - then we are 100% there for you. We aren’t coaches who take days on end to respond to clients, or just hand them a programme and ‘off you go’.
If you have a problem, or you getting stuck in your own head - we are there to help you out of that place.
We can get on a call, at any point you need it.
Plus you’ll never lose direction. You’ll always be given clear action points to work towards, clear targets to achieve, and we’ll review all your progress together as we go.
You simply CANNOT get stuck or left stranded.

5 Reasons why you should join the SKD Team

Unmatched levels of 1-1 support
We pride ourselves on how well we get to know each and every one of our clients. You have a 1-1 coach assigned to you that you will have a strong relationship with and will personalise every element to your needs and goals.
Success in coaching depends on trust - we’ll never betray that trust.

Understanding of the bigger picture
We’ve both worked in the industry for over 15 years combined - dealing with clients of all different backgrounds, ages, levels of experience, sports affiliations and goals. We’ve made many mistakes in the early stages of our own coaching journey which have wasted our time and efforts - we only wish we had the knowledge and support that our coaching provides back then.
Our coaching is NOT just a training programme, or a diet plan. You can follow any of these and still lack the support, accountability and ultimately the results you need. It’s an entire coaching experience - that understands how important it is to balance incredible fitness results with life outside of fitness too.

Your results = Our results
Unlike many coaches - we don’t care about fame, or immense fortune. We don’t pressure our clients to conform to anyone else's standards, or the standards of social media. All the transformations you see are real, not doctored with photo-shopped waistlines and artificial shadowing and fake timelines. We have a massive work ethic as individuals - so we will match your effort all the way.
Achieving the results you dream about is our main priority.

Strategic Pacing
We set you up to ensure that you don’t burnout, hate the process or experience information overload and want to quit. We’ll tell you exactly what to focus on, and map out a success plan one step at a time. The rate of results you experience aren’t slow, but there will always be an exit strategy to ensure you are progressing at a healthy rate.
Fitness is more of a marathon than a sprint, but you will learn how and when to sprint when you want to.

Confidence will skyrocket
The only way you will truly get confident with your training, feel in control of nutrition and make fitness a mainstay in your life is by action. Wishing, wanting and thinking are forms of procrastination. Action is what guarantees your success.
We know exactly how much nudge to give you to take action, and you’ll realise that all we are doing is standing behind you and pushing the bike, whilst you steer, learn to pedal and enjoy the ride. And like learning to ride a bike, you’ll never forget it afterwards.

Who do we work with?
We don’t work with anyone and everyone. In order for us to help you achieve the best results possible, we both need to be on the same page and match each other in terms of effort.
Obviously this will require hard work at your end. But will it be harder than living out each day in a body you are disappointed with whilst being stuck in the vicious cycle of working hard for no progress? We guarantee it won't be.
Out of respect for both of us, and our time…
We don’t want you to sign up if you’re just looking for the cheapest, or the quickest options. You’ve likely tried these already - they don’t work for the customers, they only work for the businesses that exploit their customers with the products they are selling. There’s a reason they are cheap or quick fixes.
We didn’t do the cheapest PT courses, the cheapest degrees, or pay for the cheapest mentorships - because we value quality, not price.
We also don’t want you to sign up if you won’t go to the gym. Home workouts serve a purpose - but you can follow youtube videos, or buy very cheap programmes for these from many other coaches or influencers.
The results we offer are impossible to achieve without going to a gym.
So if you are willing to go to the gym, put in some hard work, and are at least 90% committed to making this change right now… we could be a perfect fit.
Read the next section to make sure...
Why us?
What you see with us is what you get.
We’ve both been training for 12+ years. We’ve played sports, suffered injuries, gained fat, lost muscle and strength, and rebuilt it all back again.
Although we’ve always been sporty, and athletic people - we made many mistakes when it came to training and nutrition over the years. These mistakes, such as in Katie’s example of following fad diets, or Sean’s example of trying to confuse his muscles to grow, cost us lots of time and left us bitterly disappointed.
When you’re following all the wrong methods to begin with, even if you do succeed - it’s never something you can keep up and sustain.
You quickly find yourself right back where you started as soon as you stop with that particular method.
Our hunger and desire to learn better ways to lose fat, get stronger and to build muscle lead to us passing our PT courses, completing Sports Science and S&C degrees, and committing our careers to helping others avoid making the same mistakes as we did.
Between us we have coached over 300 clients, of varying ages, gym experience, sporting backgrounds and sizes.
Our belief is that everyone can and should be doing some form of resistance training - because the benefits to our short and long-term health are too good to ignore.
There is no age in which you cannot benefit from weights training, eating well and leading an active lifestyle. The key is making sure you enjoy it, and you get the benefits from it in the most time-efficient way possible.
As for what motivates us outside of fitness? Experiences and memories. And our ultimate goal is to retire both our parents abroad.

Book your FREE discovery call
If you’ve read this far, you should have a really good feel for who we are, what we can do, and seen ample evidence of us delivering on our promises to our clients.
If you want our help to transform your body, physically and mentally - and get yourself leaner, fitter and stronger than you thought you were ever capable of - then get started using the button below.
As we mentioned - we will only work with people who are absolutely committed to making a change, and if we do not feel we are the right fit for each other, we will tell you. No amount of money in the world is worth both of us having a negative experience.
Either way, on our call we discuss your goals, your struggles, and map out a plan to help you achieve your targets. Even if we decide not to work together - you’ll leave the call with lots of value and direction.
It really is a win-win regardless. Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
Our clients all claim to have one regret.
That they didn’t reach out sooner.